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Facebook etc. There were no competition in the market. They


ProdyotPran - 5 hours ago -Follow Just imagine, may be three-four, Jio没有未来,但通话质量很差, Jio。

很高兴Jio加入了竞争,印度消费者已经省了数十亿卢比, Reliance Jio overtakes Airtel to become India's No.2 telecom company 信实Jio取代Airtel,电话掉线、网速和蜗牛一样慢,或许是3-4个季度,Jio! Rabul - New Delhi - 9 hours ago -Follow nice.....Airtel and Vodafone have been looting us for years ....thanx to jio for screwing them 很好.....多年来。

价格太低了,永远不用沃达丰,压榨客户, Skumar - Chennai - 7 hours ago -Follow when does ambani gonna jump into school business..? education has bcome heavy heavier heaviest load for middle class families.. 安巴尼什么时候会进军教育领域?对于印度中产阶级家庭来说。

Sanjoy Pandey - Kolkata - 7 hours ago -Follow During the period Jio has entered the telecom market Indian consumers have already saved crores of rupees in comparison to the charges of Vodafone, Idea, 他们形成垄断联盟, Guest - 5 hours ago -Follow Jio is the best man Jio是最棒的 Neeti - 5 hours ago -Follow Jai Jio Jio必胜! Garudaz - 4 hours ago -Follow Jio had blessings of Modi wave nothing can stop now from becoming 1st Jio得到了莫迪的庇佑,成为印度第二大电信公司 NEW DELHI: Nearly two-and-a-half years after launching mobile phone services, 我们已经改用沃达丰了,资费大幅下降了,我会改用Jio, but right wing economist in me makes use only indian companies I will never use vodaphone Jio比Airtel更好。

Airtel、Idea、沃达丰(Vodafone)等电信垄断联盟试图压榨用户,做得好, Facebook etc. There were no competition in the market. They formed a loot cartel to loot the customers. They deserves to be kicked out of the market altogether. Good that Jio came in. 两年前, the analyst said, we know India''s fastest network is airtel oly 我们都知道印度最快的网络是Airtel I Am Indian - Beenleigh - 4 hours ago -Follow Jio sucks I dont know how people are opting for it. Jio糟透了 我不知道人们为什么会选它。



Iron - New Delhi - 10 hours ago -Follow